#: locale=en ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_06D03D94_16DD_6B0C_41B5_D81404D625A1.source = https://dandrcanal.org/trails LinkBehaviour_B0E3DE02_A8BD_E8F5_41B4_A25F4EEDB20F.source = https://dandrcanal.org/trails LinkBehaviour_0497CBD6_16D5_2F0C_415E_DFA8470BB6E3.source = https://ecopreserve.rutgers.edu/ LinkBehaviour_B0E2EE01_A8BD_E8F7_41DE_08F2157FED6F.source = https://ecopreserve.rutgers.edu/ LinkBehaviour_07506451_16F5_1904_41B5_0C53DC1F8ACF.source = https://plantbiology.rutgers.edu/floriculture-greenhouse.html LinkBehaviour_B0E37DFF_A8BD_EB0B_41D4_6A64AFCECDC6.source = https://plantbiology.rutgers.edu/floriculture-greenhouse.html LinkBehaviour_04788F4A_16D7_2704_41B5_CA4891595D00.source = https://rutgers-aircollaborative.net/projects/gardenpilot.html LinkBehaviour_B0E18DF6_A8BD_EB1D_41D5_B7BB0AF895F7.source = https://rutgers-aircollaborative.net/projects/gardenpilot.html LinkBehaviour_B0E30DFC_A8BD_EB0D_41AF_9A128BA4797D.source = https://rutgersgardens.rutgers.edu/ LinkBehaviour_072C73C5_16D5_7F0C_4185_4C4437BAB710.source = https://rutgersgardens.rutgers.edu/ ## Media ### Floorplan ### Image imlevel_8F56065C_8143_4980_41C7_283F26CEC49F.url = media/map_DC854BAE_CEA5_D9EF_41E8_0F9CD28A8832_en_0.png imlevel_8F56F65C_8143_4980_41C5_C480EE12D3D9.url = media/map_DC854BAE_CEA5_D9EF_41E8_0F9CD28A8832_en_1.png imlevel_8F56D65C_8143_4980_41DF_19B5ED6ED5BF.url = media/map_DC854BAE_CEA5_D9EF_41E8_0F9CD28A8832_en_2.png imlevel_8F56C65C_8143_4980_41DC_BAB54109F83C.url = media/map_DC854BAE_CEA5_D9EF_41E8_0F9CD28A8832_en_3.png ### Title panorama_69E353BB_6315_48C5_41D6_2355FE42E6D1.label = Antilles Field panorama_D8843D0C_D256_E619_41AD_1A43A60AB804.label = Buccleuch Park (Part One) panorama_D883C179_D256_FEFB_41E6_E5F253EF7AFA.label = Buccleuch Park (Part Two) panorama_D883C051_D257_5E0B_41E8_7764B168437D.label = Busch Paths panorama_D8840B14_D256_A209_41E9_9E30E43A7D56.label = Canal Trail (Part One) panorama_D8846FC4_D256_A209_4192_90ED65CBE5D3.label = Canal Trail (Part Two) panorama_69E287E3_6315_4845_41B6_3AEFC6AE344F.label = Cook Farm panorama_D88434BF_D256_A677_41E1_8FDCDE3ABA24.label = Cornelius Low House panorama_D884292A_D256_AE19_41D2_3A9E9DD2C169.label = Cornelius Low House Park panorama_D883AA64_D256_E209_41C4_27AD4C336357.label = Deiner Park panorama_6847804B_6315_4845_4195_4DEEC993A1A5.label = Ecological Preserve (Part One) panorama_69E224FF_6315_483D_41BF_FD9F2014AD9F.label = Ecological Preserve (Part Two) panorama_69E2D1D3_6315_4845_41A4_84D77647FD5A.label = Floriculture Green House (Inside) panorama_69E27D77_6315_784D_41C1_FACC5603E76F.label = Floriculture Green House (Outside) panorama_D88466A6_D256_A209_41E9_0B456FD6E0D1.label = Johnson Park panorama_D88431F5_D256_BE0B_41D5_6F884FB229C0.label = Johnson Park Field panorama_D8840DAA_D256_A619_41C3_62CDF8FE82F7.label = Johnson Park Water View panorama_69E36ADE_6315_587F_41D1_CBCCEEACC33B.label = Loree Courtyard panorama_69E2F641_6315_4845_41B3_40769FF03636.label = Passion Puddle panorama_69E2BF4C_6315_5843_41CD_6701AF7A5B26.label = Ravine Bridge panorama_69E2709E_6315_C8FF_41B7_E1F27DFA6A91.label = Rutgers Garden map_DC854BAE_CEA5_D9EF_41E8_0F9CD28A8832.label = UPDATED 2k Map panorama_69E3C946_6315_D84F_41CA_2CFD0257872D.label = Universal Accessible Garden panorama_DE9DD29C_D257_6239_41E2_C64CAB49F6FE.label = University Park and Recreation Complex (Part One) panorama_D8844C05_D257_660B_41E8_2FE1C66AB65E.label = University Park and Recreation Complex (Part Two) panorama_D88395D6_D256_E609_41CB_56B31B542877.label = Voorhees Mall ## Skin ### Button Button_7DB31382_7065_343F_41D6_641BBE1B2562_mobile.label = About Button_7DB31382_7065_343F_41D6_641BBE1B2562.label = About Button_CFE4D840_D986_1511_41DC_ED1BB4A8B293_mobile.label = Highlight Video Button_CFE4D840_D986_1511_41DC_ED1BB4A8B293.label = Highlight Video Button_7DB33382_7065_343F_41B1_0B0F019C1828_mobile.label = Locations Button_7DB33382_7065_343F_41B1_0B0F019C1828.label = Panorama List Button_CFC57F78_D986_0BF1_41E8_253D24CC1CFE_mobile.label = Related Organizations Button_CFC57F78_D986_0BF1_41E8_253D24CC1CFE.label = Related Organizations ### Image Image_04FF54A8_16D2_318C_419D_C968E0939204.url = skin/Image_04FF54A8_16D2_318C_419D_C968E0939204_en.png Image_04FF54A8_16D2_318C_419D_C968E0939204_mobile.url = skin/Image_04FF54A8_16D2_318C_419D_C968E0939204_mobile_en.png Image_0622AC22_14AA_478D_41AE_50FDD80F1CAC.url = skin/Image_0622AC22_14AA_478D_41AE_50FDD80F1CAC_en.jpg Image_07015B03_1710_F973_4198_3400AC15BAC6.url = skin/Image_07015B03_1710_F973_4198_3400AC15BAC6_en.jpg Image_07223EF5_149D_C077_41B1_1F95E0A56F39.url = skin/Image_07223EF5_149D_C077_41B1_1F95E0A56F39_en.jpeg Image_07E4B0CB_16B6_318C_41AA_83388C45AFA3.url = skin/Image_07E4B0CB_16B6_318C_41AA_83388C45AFA3_en.jpg Image_3227F3CB_2153_E068_417F_3281A9583449.url = skin/Image_3227F3CB_2153_E068_417F_3281A9583449_en.jpeg Image_CD31859A_D98E_1F31_41E3_C056BA93B023.url = skin/Image_CD31859A_D98E_1F31_41E3_C056BA93B023_en.png Image_CD31859A_D98E_1F31_41E3_C056BA93B023_mobile.url = skin/Image_CD31859A_D98E_1F31_41E3_C056BA93B023_mobile_en.png ### Multiline Text HTMLText_0441855F_16D3_1B3C_41A0_2E7242939E6B.html =
Universal Accessible Garden
Community Garden
Address: 178 Jones Avenue, New Brunswick,
Off of Douglass Campus
Description: Serves as a space to afford people with disabilities, health and social benefits and as a site for socioenvironmental research.
(Click the box for website link)
HTMLText_042CF62B_16F3_1904_41B6_48E98F8B1764.html =
Antilles Field
Field Grass Area
Address: 9801, Douglass Campus, Rutgers University, George St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Douglass ( by college hall bus stop behind college hall building)
Description: Open field with scenic overlook great for picnics
HTMLText_0440CAD3_16DD_E904_418F_75E748D67933.html =
Buccleuch Park
Address: 321 Easton Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Off College Avenue
Description: Local park off of College Ave with a 1 1/2 mile gravel loop, sports courts, and fitness circuit area.
HTMLText_071FCC48_16F5_2904_41A5_1FFC6002B441.html =
Busch Paths
Trails and Paths
Campus: Busch
Description: Paths to go to college ave and around campus that are good for running and biking.
Some are located behind the recreation complex.
HTMLText_04BB67DE_16CD_273C_41B5_54B8E4639CA4.html =
Cook Farm
Address: College Farm Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Cook (closest to Biel Road bus stop)
Description: A space where you can look at farm animals.
HTMLText_076B9C3C_16FF_297C_4135_B2C35D723F10.html =
Cornelius Low House
Historical House
Adress: 1225 River Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Campus: Busch
Description: A path that leads to a historical site, a nice place for picnics and relaxing.
(Click on box for website link)

HTMLText_06BEF92A_16D7_EB04_41A2_768FFEAB1EA2.html =
D&R Canal Trail
Canal Trail
Address: Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Trail, Piscataway, NJ 08854
At the intersection of Landing Lane and George Street (across from the bridge)
Description: Trail off of College Ave that is more than 30 miles long and good for biking, walking, and running
(Click on box for website link)
HTMLText_07F8A0BB_16CD_7904_41B4_979C24C4A5AF.html =
Deiner Park
Riverfront Park
Address: 619 George St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: College Ave (by student activities center bus stop)
Description: Riverfront Park elevated over the highway with a picnic pavilion, tennis courts & sitting areas.
HTMLText_0726A77E_16D7_27FC_41B4_E819D22B91F0.html =
Ecological Preserve
Nature Preserve
Address: 83 Rockafeller Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (most common entrance is right across the roundabout near 100 Rockafellar Road)
Campus: Livingston (by Livingston Plaza bus stop)
Description: A great hiking space with several trails
(Click this box for website link)
HTMLText_04A7C739_16F4_E704_419E_F30466FB150F.html =
Floriculture Green House
Indoor Garden
Address: 64 Nichol Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Douglass (By Red Oak Lane bus stop)
Description: Open to students Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
(Click on box for website link)
HTMLText_DAA9D565_CEFE_79BA_41E5_0D941B55AFFA.html =
Johnson Park

Address: Johnson Park Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Description: Off of Busch campus, great park for walks, runs, and picnics.
HTMLText_04A3541A_16F5_3904_41B1_05DD7AAEEF7F.html =
Loree Courtyard
Courtyard Sitting Area
Address: 70 Lipman Dr #8321, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Douglass ( by the Red Oak Lane bus stop)
Description: Can be accessed through the back of the Loree building and is a small green space with benches.

HTMLText_073A6758_16FD_2704_41B1_37D47026C2BA.html =
Passion Puddle
Pond Area
Address: 71 Lipman Dr, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Douglass (by Red Oak Lane bus stop)
Description: A great space to have picnics, play frisbee, and relax on benches.
HTMLText_04F5C616_16F7_790C_41B0_61FDA8545293.html =
Ravine Bridge
Douglass Campus Bridge
Campus: Douglass (by Voorhees Chapel and Victoria J. Mastrobuono Theater)
Description: A great spot to observe nature with two bridges to choose from.
HTMLText_074F184B_16CC_E904_41B3_A38A983E83D3.html =
Rutgers Garden
Outdoor Nature Preserve
Address: 112 Log Cabin Rd, North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902
Off of cook campus, usually need a car for transportation
Description: Features a wide variety of green landscapes with gardens and forests.
(Click on box for website link)
HTMLText_DC35EB7F_CEE6_2986_41DD_00862E8C3824.html =
University Park and Recreation Complex
Busch Soccer Field
Address: Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Campus: Busch (By Werblin bus stop)
Description: Great spaces to play sports & run with gravel loop around the field

HTMLText_07AF40DB_16CD_1904_41AD_269224A07D71.html =
Voorhees Mall
Grass Lawn Area
Campus: College Ave (By Scott Hall and Zimmereli Museum)
Description: An open green space that is great for picnics and relaxing between classes.
HTMLText_0441855F_16D3_1B3C_41A0_2E7242939E6B_mobile.html =
Universal Accessible Garden
Community Garden
Address: 178 Jones Avenue, New Brunswick,
Off of Douglass Campus
Description: Serves as a space to afford people with disabilities, health and social benefits and as a site for socioenvironmental research.
(Click the box for website link)
HTMLText_042CF62B_16F3_1904_41B6_48E98F8B1764_mobile.html =
Antilles Field
Field Grass Area
Address: 9801, Douglass Campus, Rutgers University, George St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Douglass ( by college hall bus stop behind college hall building)
Description: Open field with scenic overlook great for picnics
HTMLText_0440CAD3_16DD_E904_418F_75E748D67933_mobile.html =
Buccleuch Park
Address: 321 Easton Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Off College Avenue
Description: Local park off of College Ave with a 1 1/2 mile gravel loop, sports courts, and fitness circuit area.
HTMLText_071FCC48_16F5_2904_41A5_1FFC6002B441_mobile.html =
Busch Paths
Trails and Paths
Campus: Busch
Description: Paths to go to college ave and around campus that are good for running and biking.
Some are located behind the recreation complex.
HTMLText_04BB67DE_16CD_273C_41B5_54B8E4639CA4_mobile.html =
Cook Farm
Address: College Farm Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Cook (closest to Biel Road bus stop)
Description: A space where you can look at farm animals.
HTMLText_076B9C3C_16FF_297C_4135_B2C35D723F10_mobile.html =
Cornelius Low House
Historical House
Adress: 1225 River Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Campus: Busch
Description: A path that leads to a historical site, a nice place for picnics and relaxing.
(Click on box for website link)

HTMLText_06BEF92A_16D7_EB04_41A2_768FFEAB1EA2_mobile.html =
D&R Canal Trail
Canal Trail
Address: Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Trail, Piscataway, NJ 08854
At the intersection of Landing Lane and George Street (across from the bridge)
Description: Trail off of College Ave that is more than 30 miles long and good for biking, walking, and running
(Click on box for website link)
HTMLText_07F8A0BB_16CD_7904_41B4_979C24C4A5AF_mobile.html =
Deiner Park
Riverfront Park
Address: 619 George St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: College Ave (by student activities center bus stop)
Description: Riverfront Park elevated over the highway with a picnic pavilion, tennis courts & sitting areas.
HTMLText_0726A77E_16D7_27FC_41B4_E819D22B91F0_mobile.html =
Ecological Preserve
Nature Preserve
Address: 83 Rockafeller Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (most common entrance is right across the roundabout near 100 Rockafellar Road)
Campus: Livingston (by Livingston Plaza bus stop)
Description: A great hiking space with several trails
(Click this box for website link)
HTMLText_04A7C739_16F4_E704_419E_F30466FB150F_mobile.html =
Floriculture Green House
Indoor Garden
Address: 64 Nichol Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Douglass (By Red Oak Lane bus stop)
Description: Open to students Monday through Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
(Click on box for website link)
HTMLText_DAA9D565_CEFE_79BA_41E5_0D941B55AFFA_mobile.html =
Johnson Park

Address: Johnson Park Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Description: Off of Busch campus, great park for walks, runs, and picnics.
HTMLText_04A3541A_16F5_3904_41B1_05DD7AAEEF7F_mobile.html =
Loree Courtyard
Courtyard Sitting Area
Address: 70 Lipman Dr #8321, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Douglass ( by the Red Oak Lane bus stop)
Description: Can be accessed through the back of the Loree building and is a small green space with benches.

HTMLText_073A6758_16FD_2704_41B1_37D47026C2BA_mobile.html =
Passion Puddle
Pond Area
Address: 71 Lipman Dr, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Campus: Douglass (by Red Oak Lane bus stop)
Description: A great space to have picnics, play frisbee, and relax on benches.
HTMLText_04F5C616_16F7_790C_41B0_61FDA8545293_mobile.html =
Ravine Bridge
Douglass Campus Bridge
Campus: Douglass (by Voorhees Chapel and Victoria J. Mastrobuono Theater)
Description: A great spot to observe nature with two bridges to choose from.
HTMLText_074F184B_16CC_E904_41B3_A38A983E83D3_mobile.html =
Rutgers Garden
Outdoor Nature Preserve
Address: 112 Log Cabin Rd, North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902
Off of cook campus, usually need a car for transportation
Description: Features a wide variety of green landscapes with gardens and forests.
(Click on box for website link)
HTMLText_DC35EB7F_CEE6_2986_41DD_00862E8C3824_mobile.html =
University Park and Recreation Complex
Busch Soccer Field
Address: Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Campus: Busch (By Werblin bus stop)
Description: Great spaces to play sports & run with gravel loop around the field

HTMLText_07AF40DB_16CD_1904_41AD_269224A07D71_mobile.html =
Voorhees Mall
Grass Lawn Area
Campus: College Ave (By Scott Hall and Zimmereli Museum)
Description: An open green space that is great for picnics and relaxing between classes.
HTMLText_0B4B0DC1_11C0_6277_41A4_201A5BB3F7AE.html =
Biking information

Outdoors Club

Rutgers Recreation


Environmental Organizations/ Initiatives:

Rutgers Air Collaborative

Office of Climate Action at Rutgers

Instagram Links:

Rutgers Students For Environmental Awareness

Rutgers Climate Reality

Rutgers One Health Initiative

Rutgers Wild Life Society
HTMLText_0B4B0DC1_11C0_6277_41A4_201A5BB3F7AE_mobile.html =
Biking information

Outdoors Club

Rutgers Recreation


Environmental Organizations/ Initiatives:

Rutgers Air Collaborative

Office of Climate Action at Rutgers

Instagram Links:

Rutgers Students For Environmental Awareness

Rutgers Climate Reality

Rutgers One Health Initiative

Rutgers Wild Life Society
HTMLText_06E9A1BD_14A5_C0F7_4177_D7D30747483D_mobile.html =
About Anya and the Green Space Tour

Everyone deserves to have access to nature and feel safe!

This website was created by Anya Gowda with help from the Scarlet Media team (Andrew Alexander and Morgan Andrews) for her Social Action Project for the Institute for Women’s Leadership. It serves as a resource for students to be more aware of green spaces on campus where they can enjoy nature and improve their mental and physical health. Everyone deserves to have access to nature and feel safe! Check out the related organizations to find groups to explore these spaces with.
Scarlet Media is a part of The Division of Continuing Studies.
HTMLText_01B5F60A_14AA_439D_419B_2BCD6C46A119_mobile.html =
Video Link

This video highlights the Floriculture Greenhouse and D & R Canal Trail and brings more awareness of their benefits with a poem.

Video by:
Anya Gowda
Trina Chatterjee
Sam Thorton
Aimee Hart
Christopher Austin Williams
Yunhui Yang

in collaboration with the Fall 2023 Digital Media Productions class
(Dept. of Journalism & Media Studies)
HTMLText_062AD830_1140_E215_41B0_321699661E7F.html =
About Anya and the Green Space Tour

Everyone deserves to have access to nature and feel safe!

This website was created by Anya Gowda with help from the Scarlet Media team (Andrew Alexander and Morgan Andrews) for her Social Action Project for the Institute for Women’s Leadership. It serves as a resource for students to be more aware of green spaces on campus where they can enjoy nature and improve their mental and physical health. Everyone deserves to have access to nature and feel safe! Check out the related organizations to find groups to explore these spaces with.
Scarlet Media is a part of The Division of Continuing Studies.

HTMLText_06B4AA74_1710_DB95_41AA_9A087B8A4435.html =
Green Space Highlight Video

Video Link

This video highlights the Floriculture Greenhouse and D & R Canal Trail and brings more awareness of their benefits with a poem.

Video by:
Anya Gowda
Trina Chatterjee
Sam Thorton
Aimee Hart
Christopher Austin Williams
Yunhui Yang

in collaboration with the Fall 2023 Digital Media Productions class
(Dept. of Journalism & Media Studies)
HTMLText_06EA81B3_14A5_C0F3_41AA_2E59FD3CDE26_mobile.html =
HTMLText_01B6D60A_14AA_439D_4165_E92125B584C4_mobile.html =
Greenspace Highlight Video
HTMLText_0B42C466_11C0_623D_4193_9FAB57A5AC33_mobile.html =
Related Organizations:
HTMLText_0B42C466_11C0_623D_4193_9FAB57A5AC33.html =
Related Organizations:
HTMLText_7DB2E382_7065_343F_41C2_951F708170F1.html =
Green Space Tour Created by
Anya Gowda
Institute for Women's Leadership
Leadership Scholars Program

Office of Climate Action Contact:

HTMLText_7DB2E382_7065_343F_41C2_951F708170F1_mobile.html =
Green Space Tour Created by
Anya Gowda
Institute for Women's Leadership
Leadership Scholars Program

Office of Climate Action Contact:

### Tooltip IconButton_06EDF1BF_14A5_C0F3_4199_DCD12C0BD760_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_06C40BA5_1140_A63F_41AC_FA560325FD81_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_06C40BA5_1140_A63F_41AC_FA560325FD81.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_01B4760B_14AA_4393_4185_56B108A3D497_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Rutgers Greenspace Guide